Friday, June 09, 2006

High Blood Pressure

Onion: This vegetable does a lot for you - it cuts bad cholestrol, it purifies your blood, improves your digestion and helps both the nervous system and the heart. Wow! If you suffer from high blood pressure, grate and squeeze an onion or two so you get one tablespoon of onion juice. Mix this with one tablespoon of honey and swallow it down first thing in the morning. The honey not only neutralizes the strong taste of the onion but also helps improve blood circulation and strengthens the heart.

Lemon: This fruit is all-purpose! Youi'll find it used in many remedies. For high blood pressure, squeeze the juice of half a lemon in half a cup of water and drink it every two hours, every day. This improves blood circulation and strengthens heart muscles. It also helps improve your digestion, especially the liver.


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